Lift Installation Procedure: 10 Step Guide

Installing a commercial lift can be a daunting task. There are many factors to consider, and failing to do so can result in a dangerous and faulty installation. Installing a commercial lift can be a daunting task that requires specific protocols and an effective lift...

16 Point Passenger Lift Inspection Checklist

Maintaining, inspecting, and testing your passenger lift system on a regular basis is fundamental to lowering the danger of a serious incident, malfunction, or even potential harm, while also guaranteeing the efficiency and safety of your lift.  When doing said...

Your Office Facilities Management Checklist

The lists of leaders in facilities and maintenance are constantly growing, making it harder to remember what needs to be done when. A facility maintenance checklist, which outlines the frequency of inspections required for each area of your facilities management,...

What Type of Equipment is LOLER Relevant To?

In the realm of workplace safety and operations, understanding regulations and their applicability to various equipment is paramount. One such set of regulations that holds significant importance, particularly concerning lifting equipment, is LOLER (Lifting Operations...